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言外之愈:当糖奶奶遇到了艺术陪伴 | Time of Your Life

National Library Board


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10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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About this Event


NOTE: Registration is only approved if your myLibrary ID is verified.


Important Notice


This programme/event is open to members of the National Library Board, Singapore. Please ensure you have your myLibrary ID on hand before proceeding with the registration. If you do not have a myLibrary ID, you can create one here: https://account.nlb.gov.sg/.


About the Programme/Event




本次讲座的演讲人李珠宝将通过自己的作品《糖奶奶在我的身体里》分享她如何成功地应用 “艺术陪伴” 的方式帮助她接纳自己的病情和更好地爱护自己。她也会分享如何通过创造力,将被废弃的材料转化为既环保又疗愈的艺术作品。云威铭老师和杨慧芳老师将分享艺术疗愈如何帮助糖尿病患者。




  1. 什么是“艺术陪伴”
  2. “艺术陪伴”的疗愈功能
  3. “艺术陪伴”对糖尿病患者的益处
  4. 如何将艺术的元素融入日常生活中
  5. 触动人心的故事的分享




  1. 李珠宝(社工、《糖奶奶在我的身体里》的作者)
  2. 云威铭老师(心理学工作者、表达艺术治疗师)
  3. 杨慧芳老师(心理辅导师、表达艺术治疗师)






About the Series


The Time Of Your Life (TOYL) programme series features informative talks, creative workshops, book clubs, and learning communities for those aged 50 and above. Seniors can expect to stay relevant with these programmes that cover a wide range of topics such as health, personal finance, technology, and the arts.


NOTE: Registration is only approved if your myLibrary ID is verified.


Online Programme/Event Administrative Information


  • This programme is conducted entirely online. You may access Zoom via the app or using a web browser
  • Please ensure that you enter a valid email address as you will receive an email with the link to the online programme/event near the day of the programme/event
  • The link of the programme should not be shared with others
  • Do ensure you have a strong internet connection. Using your mobile data is not recommended
  • The National Library Board, Singapore (NLB) reserves the right in its absolute discretion to disqualify or refuse admission to any registrant without any reason and notice


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