学习 > 食谱


Toh Yun Xuan

Singapore Heart Foundation


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(Contributed by Ms Toh Yun Xuan, Nutritionist at SHF)

Serves 份量: 4 人份

Ingredients 材料:

Pancake mix 薄饼粉

  • Buttermilk, ½ cup 脱脂乳,1/2 杯
  • Lemon juice, ½ tbsp 柠檬汁, 1/2 汤匙
  • Low-fat milk, approx. ½ cup 低脂牛奶, 约 1/2 杯
  • Instant oats, 1 cup 即食燕麦, 1 杯
  • All-purpose flour, ¼ cup 中筋面粉,1/4 杯
  • Whole-wheat flour, ¼ cup 全麦面粉,1/4
  • Brown sugar, 2 tbsp 红糖,2 汤匙
  • Salt, ¼ tsp 食盐,1/4 茶匙
  • Egg, 1 whole 鸡蛋,1 个
  • Egg white, 1 whole 蛋白,1 个鸡蛋的蛋白
  • Low-fat milk, ¾ cup 低脂牛奶,3/4 杯


Blueberry sauce蓝莓酱

  • Fresh/Frozen blueberry, 1 cup 新鲜或冷冻蓝莓, 1 杯
  • Brown sugar, 1 tbsp 红糖,1汤匙
  • Lemon juice, ¼ tbsp 柠檬汁, 1/4 汤匙


Method 做法:


Buttermilk 脱脂乳


1) Mix the lemon juice and milk well, then let it stand for 5 minutes at room temperature.
将柠檬汁与牛奶调勺, 在室温下放置5分钟。


2) Pour oats into the mixture and mix thoroughly. Let it stand for another 15 minutes.


Blueberry sauce 蓝莓酱


1) Over a medium heat, combine blueberries, sugar and lemon juice in a small pot and
cook. Stir frequently and bring to a low boil until the berries pop.




1) In a medium bowl, combine all the dry ingredients – both types of flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.


2) In a large bowl, combine all the wet ingredients – eggs and milk.


3) Whisk the buttermilk into the wet mixture.


4) Pour in the dry ingredients slowly and mix well until smooth.


5) Over a medium heat, pour a ladleful of batter onto a non-stick frying pan and spread it slightly.


6) Flip and cook until slightly brown on both sides.


7) Finally, serve with blueberry sauce over the pancakes.


Approximate Nutritional Analysis (Per serving) 每份量营养含量:

Energy 能量: 248.5 kcal 千卡

Fat 脂肪 (Saturated fat 饱和脂肪): 4.7g 克 (1.9g 克)

Protein 蛋白质: 9.5g 克

Carbohydrates 碳水化合物: 42g 克

Sodium 钠: 188.2mg 毫克

Fibre 纤维: 4.9g 克

Cholesterol 胆固醇: 48.1mg 毫克


Source: Singapore Heart Foundation. Reproduced with permission.
