学习 > 食谱




Singapore Heart Foundation


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Recipe by Mdm Lee Beng Guat, SHF client at Heart Wellness Centre @ Fortune. This is the winning recipe of the SHF HWC Healthy Masterchef Contest.


Serves 分量: 2 人份


Ingredients 材料:


Green capsicum (sliced), 1
绿色灯笼椒 (切丝), 1


Yellow capsicum (sliced), 1
黄色灯笼椒 (切丝), 1


Red chill (sliced), 1
红辣椒 (切丝), 1Black pepper, ¼ tsp
黑胡椒粉, ¼ 茶匙


Light soy sauce (lower in sodium), ½ tsp
生抽(低钠), 半茶匙


Brussel Sprouts 球芽甘蓝:


(Tip 贴士: You can add some lemon juice to give it the additional taste! 可添加少许柠檬汁来增添更多风味!)


Brussel sprouts (halved), 80g
球芽甘蓝(切成两半), 80g


Cherry tomatoes (halved), 40g
樱桃西红柿(切成两半), 40g


Black pepper, ¼ tsp
黑胡椒粉, ¼ 茶匙


Light soy sauce (lower in sodium), ½ tsp
生抽(低钠), 半茶匙


Mushrooms 蘑菇:


King oyster mushrooms (sliced), 3 big pcs
大杏鲍菇(切片), 3大片


Olive oil, 1 tbsp
橄榄油, 1汤匙


Sesame oil, ¾ tbsp
芝麻油, ¾ 汤匙


Light soy sauce (lower in sodium), ½ tbsp
生抽(低钠), 半汤匙


Mushroom sauce, ½ tbsp
蘑菇酱汁, 半汤匙


Black pepper, ¼ tsp
黑胡椒粉, ¼ 茶匙


Rice 米饭:


Black rice, ½ cup, cooked
黑米, 半杯, 煮熟


Method 做法


Brussel sprouts 球芽甘蓝:


Baked Mushrooms 烘烤蘑菇:


Plating 摆盘:


Capsicums 灯笼椒:Heat the pan and add in olive oil.


Add in capsicums and chilli, and fry mixture till fragrant.


Add the pepper and soy sauce.


Heat up pan and add in olive oil.


Fry brussels sprouts till it is browned.


Add in cherry tomatoes, black pepper and soy sauce. Fry till fragrant.


Season the king oyster mushrooms with olive oil, sesame oil, soy sauce, mushroom sauce and pepper. Chill for 2 hours.


Lay the mushroom strips on a tray lined with baking paper and bake for 45 mins. Flip the mushrooms every 20 mins.


Plate the rice, capsicums, brussel sprouts and baked mushrooms on a plate. Enjoy!

Nutrients per serving 每份营养

Energy 能量: 357 kcal 千卡

Protein 蛋白质: 8.3 g 克

Fat (Saturated Fat) 脂肪(饱和脂肪): 15.4 g 克 (2.3 g 克)

Carbohydrate 碳水化合物: 44.6g 克

Sodium 钠: 675 mg 毫克

Dietary fibre 膳食纤维: 6.8 g 克

Source: Singapore Heart Foundation. Reproduced with permission.

